


About me


I graduated from East China University of Science and Technology in July 2007 in Shanghai. In the last year of my college, I had an internship in a local company, which was a partener of Microsoft Ltd, China.  My major duty in that company included the project manager of a workflow management system and the pre-sales manager of a e-seal system.

I went to University of Southampton from Oct of 2007, major in Web Technology. My graduate disseration was about bridging Axis2 Web Services engine and PASOA provenance system together.

After graduate, I started to work on MacFob project. I am the main developer of Synote application.

I am now a PhD student supervised by Dr. Mike Wald and Dr. Gary Wills. My research area is Media fragment, multimedia annotations and linked data.


Main developer of Synote application


BEng Software Engineering (Distinction), East China University of Science and Technology
MSc Web Technology (Distinction), University of Southampton

Conferences Attended

ACM Multimedia 2009, Beijing
Web Science Conference 2011, Germany

Research Interests

linked data, multimedia annotations, e-learning, web 2.0, web services, social networks, provenance,user interface design

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